China Food China Food

Popular Dishes

This category includes many dishes that we think will interest you. Feel free to take a look at the menu, as we are sure you have heard of at least one of the dishes on this list! Why not order something that you tried at another restaurant and have a taste comparison?

# Special Suggestions

China Food Special Ribs with Honey Sauce

This delicious meal comes with bitesized ribs mixed in our special honey sauce.

Dry Crispy Breaded Pork Spareribs

Simliar to the Sweet and Sour Pork Spareribs (#98), this dish does not come with our special red sweet and sour sauce

Dry Crispy Won Ton

Similar to our Sweet and Sour Won Ton (#97), this dish does not come with our special red sweet and sour sauce

Tai Dop Voy

An assortment of meat (Shrimp, Chicken and Pork) mixed with a variety of vegetables

Lemon Chicken

Our special Lemon Chicken made differently than the Soo Guy (Breaded Chicken). The Lemon Chicken comes with lemon sauce

General Tao Chicken (Hot & Spicy)

A popular dish among our customers. The crispy chicken is mixed with a spicy sauce that is both cruncy and delicious

Pineapple Go Lo Pork (Sweet & Sour)

Pineapple Go Lo Pork (Sweet & Sour)

China Food