China Food China Food

Seafood Dishes

This is a Collection of popular dishes that customers have consistantly ordered due to their overwelming popularity. The most popular dishes are listed under each category:

# Sea Food Dishes

Sliced Barbecued Pork

Our specially prepared barbecued pork, sliced into thin pieces for easy savouring.

Barbecued Pork Spareribs

Six pieces of long pork spareribs prepared with our special ingredients

Pork Spareribs, Garlic Sauce

Pork spareribs made with our special garlic sauce

Barbequed Pork with Chinese Greens

Barbequed Pork with Chinese Greens

Pork with Tofu

Pork with Tofu

Barbequed Pork with Tofu and Vegetable

Barbequed Pork with Tofu and Vegetable

China Food