China Food China Food


This category includes many dishes that we think will interest you. Feel free to take a look at the menu, as we are sure you have heard of at least one of the dishes on this list! Why not order something that you tried at another restaurant and have a taste comparison?

# Special Suggestions

Special Appetizer

This dish comes with 2 Egg Rolls, 2 pcs B.B.Q. Ribs, 4 pcs Chicken Wings, 4 pcs Chicken Balls, 4 pcs Fried Wontons, and some Dry Crispy Pork Spareribs

Delicious Egg Roll

China Food special egg roll is 100$ vegetarian made

Spring Roll

China Food special spring roll is made with pork and other vegetables.

Vegetarian Spring Roll

China Food special spring roll is made with only vegetables.

French Fried Potatoes

Traditional french fries, everyone's favourite

Shrimp Crackers (Chips)

Shrimp Crackers (Chips)

Chicken Wings

Our specially prepared traditional chicken wings

American Chiken Wings (Hot)

Our specially prepared traditional chicken wings - in a spicy manner

Chicken Wing with Garlic Sauce

Chicken Wing with Garlic Sauce

Chicken Wing with Honey Sauce

Chicken Wing with Honey Sauce

Homemade Pan Fried Dumplings (15 pcs)

Homemade Pan Fried Dumplings (15 pcs)

China Food