China Food China Food

Popular Dishes

This is a Collection of popular dishes that customers have consistantly ordered due to their overwelming popularity. The most popular dishes are listed under each category:

# Egg Foo Young

Special Egg Foo Young

Made with a variety of meats (Shrimp, Chicken, Pork) mixed with battered eggs and cooked like an omelette

Vegetable Egg Foo Young

Bean sprouts among other vegetables mixed with battered eggs and cooked like an omelette

Beef Egg Foo Young

Beef mixed with battered eggs and cooked like an omelette

Barbequed Pork (BBQ Pork) Egg Foo Young

Barbequed Pork mixed with battered eggs and cooked like an omelette

Chicken Egg Foo Young

Chicken mixed with battered eggs and cooked like an omelette

Mushroom Egg Foo Young

Mushroom mixed with battered eggs and cooked like an omelette

Fresh Shrimp Egg Foo Young

Fresh shrimps mixed with battered eggs and cooked like an omelette

China Food